Empowering you and everything you do!
There has never been a better time to centre ourselves, to focus less on the outer environment and the chaos that abounds and focus inwards.
This focus within, should include our thoughts and emotions.
Where do they take us?
Do they make us happy or sad?
If they make us happy, do more of them!
If they make us sad; examine them closely. There definitely is some releasing to do, some decisions to make, some people to speak to, some relationships to be developed and some relationships that you have to let go off.
All this is necessary to make 2022 a much more peaceful and empowered year than 2021 was.
For the first part of 2022 SIY Workshops will be providing 2 online workshops
Dates, times and prices will be provided on this platform soon!
1. Loving Me Flex
An women's mini retreat. An opportunity to stay indoors and focus wholly on your mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing. Included will be:
- Mindfulness- meditation, breathing, eating
- Body Scan
- Self massage
- Releasing rituals
- Root and Sacral Chakra balancing
- Plus much more!
2. I Choose Happiness, Law of Attraction in Action: An After-Work retreat. All welcome. An opportunity to unwind, not just physically but mentally and emotionally. Light routines will be taught plus 'preparing for the next day' routines, to prepare you mentally, emotionally and spiritually for a positive and powerful day in the workplace/home/school setting. Included will be:
- Mindfulness
- Stress management routines
- Releasing rituals
- Thought Power
- Affirmations