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Ama Adu D-SIY Workshops

20 Words of Wisdom for Successful Teenagers and for the Adults that Missed Out

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A Practical and metaphysical guide for creating the life you want in today's world.

1. Dare to be different 2. If it doesn't challenge you it won't change you 3. You are what you consume 4. The power of smell 5. Everything is everything ....


Thank you for finding your way to my e-book.

I believe in the power of intuition and I imagine your intuition has guided you to: 

* Do something

* Make a change

* Make an adjustment to the life you are living right now.

This change takes place in the mind first, through your perceptions and through your words. I am hoping to help you to see and say the same things in a different way in order to achieve amazing results. There is nothing better than Wisdom to help focus the mind in reflection and inspiration.

The words that we use determines what we are capable of conceiving

YouTube- Gregg Braden-The Wisdom Codes (Banyen Books & Sound).


In today's world it is so easy to run for cover, to escape into the technologies that are available to us (WWW, digital tech, virtual reality, social media etc).

For many of us we have 'lost ourselves' in these technologies, as a result we now find it difficult to connect with ourselves, to understand how we are feeling, how to change things, how to have more control of our thoughts and actions.

Recently I watched an inspirational video and the presenter said something that made me think about some of the reasons why I created this e-book. He said:

If you do not have control over your emotions, you will not be able to have control over your life

YouTube- The Power of Not Reacting (Dr Levry).


In the 2020's we find it difficult to connect to other humans personally. We may have loads of friends and likes whilst we are gaming or on the social networks etc. But when it comes to a face to face scenario, not only are we nervous to be in a concrete room with other humans, we have no words to speak outside of the internet and gaming conversations.

I'm sure that it won't surprise you to know that recent studies have shown an increase in the breakdown of personal relationships among millennials especially, but all ages generally.

Today more and more people feel helpless and somewhat clueless in their existence on Earth- hence the need to escape it. The escapism is not only through technology but also through the things we may become addicted to such as drugs, alcohol, food, shopping and sex.

Creating a 'comfort zone' is another form of protection from the unknown and the unfriendly, plus it definitely is an enemy of progress!

By the end of this book or even a month later, if you deeply consider the wisdoms within, and you honestly and earnestly, where you feel it is warranted, make and execute plans of change or adjustments to your mindset, thought and behaviour patterns you will achieve:

* Stress relief.

* Increased mental and emotional wellness.

* Increased self confidence.

* Improvements in your relationships.

* An increase in your creativity.

* Improvement in your energy levels and in your vitality.

* Your ability to manifest the things that you want in life will become a lot easier.

* Wonders and miracles may appear more often- just be aware and open to random opportunities!

I wish you every success on this amazing journey you are taking at a fundamental time in the worlds history. 

Just remember- with a clear and open heart, the Universe will always support you.

Ama Adu D